
Javascript Basic Programmer technician

About the education

To learn Javascript from scratch and be able to apply the concepts in creating real time applications. It is a very beginner friendly course so no prior Javascript knowledge is required. After taking this course you can avoid most of the beginner mistakes and be able to know all the best practices every web developer follows.

The training consists of five modules that give you a deep understanding of learning fundaments of javascript with object-oriented programming concepts (OOP) and usage of async/await.

After every course you will have practice questions and module completion exercises to track your progress in this course.

Education suits you who already have a position within the organization or are at the beginning of your career.

What are you waiting for? Let’s dive into JavaScript coding

Happy Learning!


Access to a computer with a web browser.

Simple Text editor like Notepad

Install Code Editor like Visual Code Studio

The education covers about 4 weeks of full-time studies.


Sign up

We need to receive your registration in writing via the contact form. Indicate which vocational training or course the application refers to. Welcome to register and let your successful journey start with us! If you have any questions before registering, email support@academyonline.se


The fee for the training to become a Certified Basic Javascript Programmer technician is 12 500 kr. You can pay in three different ways. The entire fee on one invoice. Per module in advance for 2 500 kr. Partial payment for 12 months for 1 250 kr per month. All fees are inclusive of VAT.

The price includes

  • ·     Screen-recorded lectures and images
  • ·     Exercise tasks
  • ·     Submission information
  • ·     Continuous support via email and forum
  • ·     Issuance and dispatch of certificates/diplomas



Sowmiya Viswanathan Sooriyanarayanan
System Developer
B.Tech Information Technology



Du har tillgång till var och en av modulerna i din utbildning i ett år, från det att du har påbörjat respektive modul.

Certifikat | Diplom

Efter genomförd och fullt betald utbildning, med godkänt resultat på samtliga inlämningsuppgifter, får du ett certifikat eller diplom. 


Vi är lyhörda för våra studenters omdömen. Efter genomförd utbildning ber vi dig svara på en kort utvärdering som ligger i kursportalen.

Education Made Easy